Feebooks 开发出了自己的技术来制作电子书籍。采用语义和演示内容, Feedbooks可以制作任何格式高品质的电子书籍。不是使用终端格式,因此可以很容易地扩展和适应新的格式。对于服务, Feedbooks针对电子纸设备和电子书籍有一个独特的解决方案。 它提供了一种简单的方法来寻找,发布和下载电子图书的大量的格式,同时侧重于创造最好的体验的电子书籍。所有FeedBooks书籍适用于智能手机, PDA ,黑莓, iPhone和电子纸装置。虽然目前收集的公共领域的书籍不是很多,但是大部分的书籍都是经典作品。没有收录中文书籍。
Discover thousands of eBooks, including new releases and the best collection of free public domain books, that you can read on any mobile device.
Feedbooks is a digital library and cloud publishing service for both public domain and original books founded in June 2007 and based in Paris, France.The main focus of the web site is providing e-books with particularly high-quality typesetting in multiple formats, particularly EPUB, Kindle, and PDF formats. Custom PDF generation settings like trim size dimensions and margins are possible on the site.
Self-published books are edited using a web interface and they are also accessible via dedicated Kindle and mobile web sites. Creating footnotes is also supported by the user interface.