美国房利美公司(Federal National Mortgage Association)是一家在美国纽约股市(New York Stock Exchange)挂牌交易的公司,也是全球最大的非银行金融服务公司,是世界五百强企业之一。 美国房利美公司成立于1938年,由政府出资创建,主要从事金融业务,公司业务主营房屋抵押;用以扩大资金在二级房屋消费市场上流动的资金,使中低收入家庭更容易获得房屋贷款,让更多人能够拥有住房。1954年房利美发展为股份制公司。 房利美并非直接向购房者提供贷款,而是通过向贷款机构买进按揭(抵押贷款)资产或是提供信贷担保服务,来促进抵押贷款市场的资金供给。从1968年以来,房利美已为五千八百万个家庭,提供了超过美金5.7兆元的抵押贷款融资。 As the leading source of residential mortgage credit in the U.S. secondary market, Fannie Mae is supporting today's economic recovery and laying the foundation for a better housing finance system. We guarantee and purchase loans from mortgage lenders to ensure families can buy homes, refinance, or rent a good home. In the past five years, we have taken actions to improve our financial performance, build a profitable new book of business‚ and reduce losses on our legacy book. Fannie Mae's strong third quarter 2013 results were driven primarily by continued stable revenues and credit-related income, resulting in net income of $8.7 billion for the quarter, our seventh consecutive quarterly profit. From January 1, 2009 through September 30, 2013, Fannie Mae provided approximately $3.9 trillion in liquidity, which enabled 3.4 million home purchases and 12.0 million mortgage refinancings. We also enabled financing for 2.0 million units of multifamily rental housing during this period.