Curious:在线学生视频教学网是一个致力于为学生提供优秀教学视频的网站,主要是帮助学生提高动手能力,内容主要涵盖化学、摄影、数学、生活经验、哲学、运动项目教学等等。 Curious网站上的所有视频均是有知名教师录制,所有视频并不是全部免费,当然免费的有很多,所涉及的内容也相当丰富,国内用户翻译后可以当作很经典的学生教学案例来使用,不同的教学方式对学生有很多帮助,这里就不再阐述了,总是很多先进的教学方式不妨多参考国外,中西结合才是硬道理。 在线教育平台 近日宣布 B 轮获 1500 万美元投资,估值未知,据 Re/code 消息,该轮由 GSV Capital 领投, Redpoint Ventures 及前苹果董事 Bill Campbell 等跟投,GSV Capital 的 Michael Moe 也将加入 董事会。成立自 2012 年,截至目前, 累计融资额达 2250 万美元。 是一家气质独特的在线教育平台,内容以用户自己制作的“How-to” 类视频为主,你几乎可以找到生活中各个领域的教程,从“焊接基础”到“ 莎莎舞 (salsa) 教程”,更有“珠宝制作教程”和“磨刀秘诀”等等。相较 Udemy、Khan Academy、 等,它的最大差别在于,Curious 更追求便利和即时性,教学视频较短、内容切得更小,学生可以自由安排学习时间,它同时也有自己的虚拟货币 Curious Coin,让老师更方便的推广、分享及货币化自己的课程。内测 5 个月,便已经累积了上万名用户。 At Curious we believe in lifelong learning. Learning for its own sake. Learning that happens beyond classrooms, and not only in academic subjects (unless you count beer brewing, pipe soldering, and organic gardening as academic). Learning as a necessity of living. At Curious we also believe great teachers are as valuable to society as great business leaders or academic thinkers. We wonder why there are hundreds of high-tech ways to share silly photos, and military-grade technology can help us find our friends at a bar, but teachers have few quality tools to help them succeed online. We believe teachers are some of society’s greatest entrepreneurs and should be treated as such. We also believe that videos of cats dancing the Macarena, and super-slo-mo exploding watermelons are really cool, but not the kind of online learning we’re talking about. And that Justin’s new band only reminds us a little bit of this. But that’s another story...