RanKer:互联网热门新闻排行网是一个基于网络的社会热门新闻排行站点,内容涵盖了人物、电影、音乐、体育、旅游、搞笑话题等资源,可以说是一个内容比较杂的娱乐新闻网站。Ranker is crowdsourced rankings of everything - topics both entertaining and practical. We are also a platform for individual and fact-based lists, but our primary goal is to use the wisdom of crowds to deliver the best opinions possible about any topic where a list is the best answer. Anyone can participate simply by voting or reranking lists, and the more who do, the better the ranking gets. Our ranking algorithms have been honed by years of testing and study, and we have protections against gaming the system.