MobileAwesomeness:移动建站创意设计网是一个精选了一些最好的资源供你开始创建手机站点的时候参考,汇集了世界各地的优秀设计作品,帮助移动设计人员和开发人员拓展思路,另外提供了站点在手机屏幕上的效果演示功能。 除了为设计师们提供设计作品外,该网站还有一个评级和奖励制度,旨在表彰和推广真正优秀的移动设计项目,并把获奖的作品发布在网站最显眼的位置,想世界展示他们的才华。 The new MA rating system评级系统是基于三个只要类别:UI/UX,设计和理念。与其他评级制度不同的是,该平台的目标是促进高品质移动项目的研究,探索未来的发展趋势和设计理念。新的评级系统不仅提供荣誉和宝贵的反馈意见,同时也彰显了优秀设计团队的能力,让他们获得更多的投资和商业合作。 The projects on Mobile Awesomeness (MA) represent some of the best mobile designs, interfaces, and concepts on the market. Our goal is to facilitate a creative exchange where users can find inspiration, promote their work and connect with potential clients. This exchange will drive leads to the best designers and agencies, creating a stronger mobile industry by making it easy to find true experts in the field. The new MA rating system is based on three main categories: UI/UX, Design and Concept. Like with any rating system, our goal is to promote top quality mobile projects. The new rating system will not only provide kudos and valuable feedback to industry professionals, but will also inform and educate potential clients about what (and who) makes mobile projects awesome.