Wornontv:电视名人服饰推荐平台是一个基于国外电视剧人物服装的推荐平台,美国电视剧大家都看过,很多名人角色穿的服装都是非常漂亮的,该平台就是帮助用户寻找电视剧人物所穿的服饰,属于迎合观众心理的一种购物平台。 Wornontv收录了多有热播电视剧的信息,并收集了每一集电视剧人物角色所穿的服装,你可以根据喜欢的电视剧人物来查找相关的服饰,鄂可以根据不同的集数里人物说穿的衣服来查看,并告诉你哪个网站可以购买的到一模一样的服装。 Worn On TV – is a site which shows you some of the clothes worn on TV by your favourite television characters. Then it shows you where online you can buy those clothes if you want them too. Some of the clothes are not a complete match but close enough. There is also a mens section.