Dragdis:在线云存储剪切板工具是一款快速保存和整理网络上的图片、视频、网页链接和选定文本的工具,也可以说是在线云剪切板;目的是方便用户收集自己在浏览网站的时候看到的好资源,把这些资源保存在自己的云服务器上方便再是使用。 Dragdis工具的其中一个功能就是与Evernote 类似,保存网页上的各种信息,不过evernote使用起来不是很方便,功能上有点臃肿,而Dragdis使用起来更加直观,你在网络上收集的内容都是保存在Dragdis账户下,使用起来就跟书签类似,而不用打开其他第三方程序来调用。 Dragdis工具可以在Safari浏览器,Firefox或Chrome浏览器上安装插件,直接推拽你所要保存的资料到Dragdis账户下即可,当然你需要把自己要保存的资源分门别类,先建好文件夹然后把相应的内容拖拽至相应的文件夹即可。更多功能用户可以自己去体验。 Ideas don’t come from nothing. Nah. That is why we all are in a constant pursuit of discoveries and new sources of inspiration. All these great things, however, have a mischievous tendency to get lost in a mess we make of them, and eventually finding them on our own computer might turn out to be harder than it was on the World Wide Web. Dragdis is here to make collecting things seamless by helping you put your discoveries to the right place the second you come across them. Drag & drop anything anywhere. Collect images, texts, links or videos to your private folders or post directly to Facebook, Twitter & (soon to come) Tumblr, Dropbox, Pinterest etc. Driven by our passion for simplicity, we work hard to offer you new cluster-free habits. We are convinced that Dragdis brings a fundamental shift in how people move content around.