iLys:在线创意想法辅助收集平台是一个在线的小机器人,可以帮助你保持创意点子源源不断,简而言之我们的想法是突然出现的,有时候会卡住而没有头绪,在写作过程中包括两个主要阶段创意和编辑,他们是相互排斥的,当这两个点一起活跃的时候,我们反而不知道怎么去做了。iLys平台的做法是这样的:首先你要告诉iLys要写多少个字,然后你就开始记录,这个过程中你不能停止,直到你完成为止,这也意味着有一个强制性的东西让你保持头脑清醒,完整的表达你现在的想法。打开这个网站输入你想要写的字数,然后就会跳转到一个方框的界面,你还会看到一个字数计数器,下面有一个眼镜的图标,以及屏幕底部的进度条,按一下眼镜你就可以偷看你写过的东西,知道你完成所有的字数。其实这个网站的方法非常简单易行的,只要你明白了原理就会懂得这样做的好处了。有兴趣的用户不妨试试看吧!When you come to the welcome screen, ilys will ask you how many words you'd like to write. Enter that number into the yellow textbox. When you click on big "GO!" button, you'll be brought to a screen where you'll see a big typing box. That's the place you'll be writing in.You'll also see a word counter above it, an eye icon below it, as well as a progress bar at the bottom of the screen. By clicking on the eye, you can peek at what you're writing. You'll be unable to edit while peeking, or until you reach your word count goal. When you do that, you'll see an orange arrow on the right side of the big typing box.Clicking on this arrow will bring you to the edit screen where you can change your text. From the edit screen, you can click on the orange arrow on the left side of the screen to return to the big typing box and continue writing. Your work is being saved in the browser. If you close the browser and return to it, ilys will ask you if you want to continue where you left off. You can either continue, or start a new piece.