StormBoard:在线讨论信息收集工具是一款非常优秀的讨论展示工具,可以帮助团队和公司解决在线讨论所不能做到的收集观点、分享资料、无厘头的问题汇总等功能,大大的提高的在线讨论的效率和知识汇总能力。 这个工具叫做Stormboard,转为头脑风暴讨论设计,讨论者可以像在用真正的白板一样,往上面贴便利贴。它比真正的白板更好的是,我们不仅可以贴图片,还可以贴图片、视频等资料。 1、GENERATE & CAPTURE IDEAS Quickly add sticky notes, photos and videos to a shared wall. Generate more high quality ideas as everyone can contribute with their own authentic voice on their own device. 2、COMMENT ON IDEAS All ideas have a comment thread allowing your team to clarify, debate and refine ideas. This gives you both better ideas and captures the discussion for future reference or debate. 3、PRIORITIZE YOUR IDEAS Users get 'dots' to vote on their favorite ideas. They can add all their votes to one idea or spread them around. With one click, instantly see what ideas your team likes and dive deeper on the best ideas. 4、TEMPLATES Stormboard models your existing business processes using templates. Templates are great for capturing, organizing, prioritizing and reporting on your processes. We have a library of great templates and can customize both the templates and reports to your specifications. 5、MOBILE Access, capture, and review ideas anytime, anywhere. Stormboard works great on any smart phone, tablet or laptop, right inside your web browser with no software to install. 6、SECURITY Everything in Stormboard are transmitted over a SSL encrypted connection so no one can intercept your ideas. Enterprise users may even opt for client side encryption for an unprecedented level of security. Bottom line, your ideas are safe on Stormboard. Stormboard – Brainstorm, organize, prioritize and act on the best ideas, in the same room or around the world, on a realtime sticky note whiteboard. Quickly add sticky notes, photos and videos to a shared wall. Generate more high quality ideas as everyone can contribute with their own authentic voice on their own device. All ideas have a comment thread allowing your team to clarify, debate and refine ideas.