Watchily:在线流媒体精准搜索引擎是一个通过内接多个视频平台数据来进行检索的电影和电视剧流媒体搜索引擎网站,支持多种模式的搜索筛选功能,例如偏长、内容分级、流派、国家等等。 Watchily视频搜索引擎集合了Amazon, Cinemax Go (Max Go), Comcast XFINITY, HBO Go, Hulu, iTunes, Netflix, Redbox, Showtime Anytime, Vudu等多个视频媒体网站的数据库检索列表,让你搜索国外的视频内容而不需花费多少时间,也就是说非常快速的查找你想要的视频资源。同时还会提示你是否收费,是否可以在线观看。 Watchily – is a search engine for when you are looking for legal sources to stream movies and TV programs. Just enter the name of the TV program or movie and it will give you the various legal sources that you can get it from (such as HBO , Netflix, Amazon, etc). You can filter the results by price, length, content rating, and genre.