
etcML:在线免费文本分析工具是由美国的斯坦福大学计算机教授开发的基于成熟的文本分析引擎,该网站通过机器学习引擎进行文本分析,目前该网站向所有人免费开放。etcML全称为(Easy Text Classification with Machine Learning),etcML旨在帮助普通人和研究人员使用的标准的机器学习技术,所有使用者都不需要编程能力。etcML提供了一种简单的方式,对单词和短语所体现的观点进行分类。etcML可以训练分类器,也可以对任何一段文本打上标签,实现这一切并不需要写一行代码。我还可以和记者或研究人员分享我的分类器。斯坦福大学计算机科学博士生Chinmay Kulkarni使用etcML对2000名学生的简答题测验进行打分。此前,简答题打分是通过学生之间的互相打分完成的,平局每道题有4个学生进行打分。通过etcML打分后,平局每道题只需要3个或更少的学生打分。etcML provides easy-to-use access to high-quality machine learning algorithms that can induce meaningful structure from your textual data. Our primary mode of analysis is "classification," which you can think of as automatic categorization.The input data - often referred to as "training data" - to our system is text, where each piece of text (usually a sentence or a document) has a predefined "label." The system learns which labels are statistically associated with which kinds of words, and then can use that information to make accurate predictions about new, unlabeled data.For example, we used the text of several thousands of online movie reviews as the training data for our sentiment classifier. We treated the star rating assigned to each review as its "label," and had the system learn which kinds of words are associated with positive reviews, and which are associated with negative reviews. You can try typing in a positive or negative sentence, and the classifier will make a prediction about how likely it is that your sentence is expressing positive or negative sentiment.


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