TechSpot:美国科技博客新闻网是一个计算机技术资讯发布网站,成立于1998年;为用户提供最新信息,分析和服务,满足计算机爱好者,专业人士,信息技术业内人士的需求。 TechSpot读者包括计算机业内人士,对计算机感兴趣的人、信息技术决策制定者以及技术方面具有影响力的人士,每个月的读者数量达到四百万,每天都会给您带来综合的产品评论、购买向导、软件下载和游戏评测等内容。 TechSpot也是一个大型的科学技术爱好者社区,拥有数千种日常讨论,读者踊跃参与论坛的讨论,对文章进行评论。如果你是一个科技迷对于新鲜事物非常关注的话,不妨通过RSS来订阅这个网站。 TechSpot is a leading computer technology publication established in 1998. Read daily by thousands of tech influencers, computer enthusiasts and IT decision makers from around the world, is home to over 4 million readers every month. TechSpot delivers up-to-date information, analysis, and services catered to enthusiasts and professionals in the tech industry. Our daily news coverage is complemented by comprehensive product reviews, hardware and software guides, download recommendations, a massive product database (called the 'Product Finder') and much more. TechSpot is also a large tech enthusiast community at heart, with hundreds of spirited discussions posted daily by our readers in the forum and in our article's comments.