RomantiMatic:手机爱情短信辅助应用是一款帮助情侣短信沟通的手机应用,通过科学技术的分析技术来帮助情侣之间进行短信传情,把他和她的关系通过最打动人心的语言紧密的联系在一起。 很多时候我们都是通过自己的言传身教的相互影响来经营彼此之间的感情,现在社会的不断发展造就了一批不善言谈的人群,他们不懂得使用语言的力量来搞好两个人之间的恋爱关系,短信传情应用就可以帮助这类人群如何使用合理的语言来拉进彼此的关系。 We live in a world where it’s easier to communicate with another human being than ever before — a world that also places relentless demands on our time and attention.Even with the amazing technology we have in our pockets, we can fly through the day without remember-ing to send a simple “I love you” to the most important person in our lives. “Texting to express affection was associated with higher reported partner attachment for both men and women.” — Using Technology to Connect in Romantic Relationships: Effects on Attachment, Relationship Satisfaction, and Stability in Emerging Adults.