PushBullet:安卓手机文件推送应用是一款可以利用网页端或谷歌浏览器插件来给安卓系统设备推送文字、文件、网页链接、图片、应用等资源的工具,PushBullet 有着简洁清晰的界面,支持 Androi 2.3 以上机型,并且采用的是 Gmail 账户,绝对是各位 Gmail 用户的福音。 PushBullet 专注的是推送通知,只需要下拉一下通知栏,就可以看到文字,或者再一单击,网页或文件就会立即打开,甚至如果发送的是地址,单击就会进入 Google Maps 的导航。相比以上举例的软件,PushBullet 就显得更加快捷方便和统一。清除通知后,相关项目依然会归档到手机软件端。 另外更新后的App在互传文件的时候甚至不需要在同一网络下进行,只要你打开插件,相应的通知就会自动跳出来。当然如果你不想对内容进行双向同步,这项功能也可以在设置中取消掉。 We've made it easy and fast to send something from one of your devices to another, and even to your friends.Have an article you want to read on your tablet? With Pushbullet, you can push the link right to your tablet and it'll be waiting for you in the notifications tray so you can get right to reading. Want your significant other to grab a few things from the store on their way home? Push a checklist right into their notifications so they don't miss it and it doesn't get lost in their email. Is there a PDF you want to have on your phone? Push the file right from your computer and it'll be ready to open right from your notifications when you pick up your phone.And that's not the half of it. Sign up now and give it a try!