Forgotify:在线音乐发现之旅试听网是一个针对Spotify音乐平台没有播放的音乐而开发的在线音乐推荐网站,可以帮助你发现Spotify音乐网站上从来没有的原创音乐资源。 SpotiFy:免费音乐在线播放器是一款的免费音乐在线播放软件,它可以提供800万首歌曲的免费点播。将P2P技术合法化,用插播广告的形式(包括声音和图片)获得商业平衡。 打开Forgotify网站就只有一个音乐播放器,内嵌了海量的音乐专辑,所不同的是所有的音乐资源都是与Spotify音乐网站的内容不重复的,也就是说你找不到的音乐可以在Forgotify网站来查找,流行的音乐各大网站都有,如何来发现更多的新音乐就需要有人去挖掘了,那么Forgotify网站就是为挖掘新音乐而生的。 Forgotify is a Web app dedicated to delivering the unloved and undiscovered tracks no one has yet played on Spotify. There are — or at least were before people started using Forgotify — 4 million tracks that have never been played, not even once. That’s 20 percent of the whole Spotify catalog that has racked up zero plays. Which is rather depressing when you think about it. Especially for the artists concerned. Forgotify has pulled together these never-heard-on-Spotify songs, delivering them one at a time to those who are interested in something other than the Justin Biebers and Miley Cyruses of the world. To have never been played once means the tracks are usually obscure and/or sung in a language other than English.